Both versions have the same content.
Japanese publication version(bilingual)
ベナン発 和解から平和へ
Beginning with Benin
from Reconciliation to Peace
Benin, Japan, America, Nepal, and the World
ビヨンド・ビジネス・ユニバース株式会社 代表取締役
This book shares with us some proven principles to help us achieve reconciliation and peace worldwide.
I would recommend it to all those who are interested in doing something to make the world a safer and happier place.
Kanhonou, Gbetondji Herve
CEO of Beyond Business Universe, Inc.
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US publication version(English)
Beginning with Benin
An Account of The Goodwill Ambassador’s
Efforts and Development for the
Reconciliation Movement
Benin, Japan, America, Nepal, and the World
It is impossible to think of world history without including the historical accounts of human slavery. Benin was one of the largest slave trade ports for the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. The country of Benin, like much of the African continent, was targeted for its rich and vast resources. The location of this lush country made it the birthplace of a tragic story. History tells us that by the 18thcentury, the greatest number of enslaved Africans were kidnapped and transported to the Americas. The mission for financial gain caused men of several cultures, including European, French, Portuguese, and Africans to initiate and engage in a betrayal of mankind. But the summaries of history are often incomplete. The accounts of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and aftermaths of slavery are as numerous as the stars. And much like our evolving view of natural science, the development of this history continues even now.
We often do not expound on the uncomfortable truths of history. The real problem is a lack of education and the unwillingness to accept the truth. Why? Because sometimes the truth causes those who have been subjected to injustice and degradation, to lash out in unquenchable anger. Sometimes the ugly truth causes those who are privileged by the injustices to be dismissive and blind to the problem, striking the “burning match” of systemic racism. Consequentially, both the frustrations of not being heard, and the guilt of denial lead to the same road: division, devastation, and destruction.
The majestic country of Benin is a beautiful nation. This mother country has birthed valuable resources into this world. Sadly, no nation is without tragedy and complexities in its formation. During the initial phase of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, many African Kings were said to have participated in the first trades for captured Africans. There have been countless debates over whether those involved were deceived or willing participants. While these debates continue today, many can agree on the importance of reconciliation.
Reconciliation has many terms in different context. As a general term, reconciliation refers to restoration, and the process of unity. Benin took this general concept of reconciliation into efforts for a movement. In 1999, former president of Benin, Mathieu Kerekou, gave a momentous public apology to the entire African Diaspora and the world on behalf of Benin’s role in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. That year Benin moved into action and initiated the Leader’s Conference on Reconciliation and Development. Speakers from the world convened to formally apologize for their countries’ roles in what was one of the most horrific acts of mass genocide, degradation, and abuse of a single group of people in the history of this world. Now the Reconciliation Movement has continued through the works of several organizations and advocates.
Professor Emmanuel G. has spent a larger portion of his life representing the beloved country of Benin. He is the founder and director for many organizations and working as the Goodwill Ambassador. His work with the Reconciliation Movement has spanned nearly two decades of dedicated service. His efforts have led him to participate in conferences and initiatives globally seeking to educate and motivate for change. He is an advocate for the Reconciliation Movement. Professor Emmanuel G. is an accomplished teacher and a student of history and mankind. He is a leader committed to service. He is a guardian of truth. He is an impactful voice from Benin for the world.
It has been an honor to help bring these efforts together in an account that documents the work and great accomplishments of Professor Emmanuel G. Documentation of these efforts are not just intended for academic review. The collection of historical accounts and efforts of the Reconciliation Movement are designed to educate and inspire the world. For those learning we will update the website at There you will find material to give you a better understanding of the historical accounts and updated photographs and tributes. It is my hope that you can examine these efforts and come to a deeper understanding. We are ultimately one human race and the story of one is the story of all. It is necessary to examine our unique stories, and our common thread.
Together we take a forward look at the past and knock on the doors of progress and world peace. We do not look back to find anger, but to seek answers. It is through the recognition of the truth that we begin our journey of awareness, healing, and building. Hopefully, these efforts will touch the life of at least one, because we know the power of One. So, with one voice and one goal, it is my sincere desire that you will be inspired to join the Movement for Reconciliation, beginning with Benin…
Shyretta Rochelle McCrackin,
Juris Doctor, MBA, Lawyer, Speaker, Lecturer
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ベナン発 和解から平和へ
歴史的事実によれば、18世紀までに膨大な数のアフリカ人が誘拐され、奴隷となって南北アメリカ大陸に輸送されました。この利益至上主義の計画により、ヨーロッパ、フランス、ポルトガル、そしてアフリカの人々までもが、この人類への背信行為の口火を切り、悲劇を拡大させていくこととなったのです。 しかし、歴史の要約的記述は完全でない場合が多いのです。 大西洋奴隷貿易の現実と奴隷制がもたらした影響は途方もなく膨大で、進化し続ける自然科学の研究と同じように、この奴隷貿易の影響は今日においても拡大し続けているのです。
シイリタ ロシェル マクラーキン
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